Adding forecasts for all your salary and other income types ensures your forecasted tax position is calculated accurately. However if things change, its important to update these forecasts to keep on top of your projected tax position throughout the year.
To do this head to the Work Tank and select the 'Forecasting' Tab.
How to edit 'PAYG Income'
If your PAYG salary, wage or bonuses change your can edit your forecasts by selecting the pen icon next to the income you would like to adjust to open the 'Edit Payer' popup. From here you can edit your employer name, annual salary and pay frequency. You can also edit the auto calculated tax withheld amount if you have a current Income Tax Variation with the ATO.
If you end an employment simply until the 'Current' box and enter the end date so we can recalculate the annual forecast just for the duration of your employment to ensure your forecasts are accurate. Alternatively, you have the option to delete an income if you've made a mistake, however this option will be disabled if transactions have already been recorded.
How to edit 'Other Income'
If your other incomes change your can edit your forecasts by selecting the pen icon next to the income you would like to adjust to open the 'Edit Payer' popup. From here you can edit the income type, payer name, annual income amount and any tax withheld.
Alternatively, if the forecast no longer apply to the current financial year simply select the bin icon to remove it.