Adding forecasts for all your income types ensures your forecasted tax position includes all those 'other' incomes and offsets (ie. trust distributions, dividends, interest etc..) you might receive throughout the year.
How to add forecasts for other income types -
Choose your Income Type - From the 'Income Type' dropdown simply select the income you want to add from the following options:
- Attributed PSI
- Bonuses
- Director Fees
- Dividends
- Interest
- Pensions & Gov Allowances
- Partnerships & Trust- PSI
- Sole-Trader
- Superannuation Incomes (taxed element)
- OtherComplete the fields - Once you choose the income we will show the relevant fields to complete.
Repeat - Select the 'Add Income' button to add each other income type so we can calculate your total incomes in your forecasted tax position.
When you're finished select the 'Add Income' button and you're all done.
How to edit incomes
If your other incomes change your can edit your forecasts from the forecasting tab by selecting the pen icon and adjusting the amounts.
If the forecast no longer apply to the current financial year simply select the bin icon to remove it.