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Can I create my own personal categories?

You can now create your own custom personal categories.

Updated over 11 months ago

Yes! In our latest feature release, we've made it possible to add as many custom personal categeories as you like! Read the support article on how to do this.

Below is also a list of pre-made personal categories that you can also use.

Personal Income & Expense Categories


Boats & Jet Ski’s

COVID 19 - Additional Support Payments

COVID 19 - Early Release of Super

COVID 19 - Supplement Payments

Caravans & Motor homes

Centrelink - Family Benefits Payments

Childcare & After School Care

Childcare - costs of childcare including daycare and before and after school care

Child Support

Child and Spouse Maintenance - either treated as a liability or added to living expenses


Clothing and Personal Care - clothing, shoes, hair cuts, cosmetics, beautician services, etc


Recreation and Entertainment - all the fun stuff etc should go in here:)

Food - Groceries


Food - Dining in/out

Restaurants, bars, Uber Eats and takeaway


Gym & Health

Hair and Beauty

Higher Education and Vocational Training (not deductible)

Higher Education and Vocational Training - This is usually covered within HEM living expenses



Medical and Health - excl Health Insurance

Personal Expenses - Other

Personal Income - Other


Pet Care - including pet insurance

SMSF Transactions

School Fees

Public or Government Education / Private School Education and Tutoring


Subscriptions (not deductible)

Telephone, Internet, Pay TV - covers phone, mobile phone, Internet and streaming services such as Netflix, Spotify, etc

Travel (not deductible)

Transport - parking, tools, petrol, maintenance, rego. Can include insurance for some lenders

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