Managing your crypto trades in TaxTank is quick and efficient with the bulk import feature. Here's how you can easily import your crypto buy and sell trades from any platform into the Holdings Tank using a CSV file.
Step 1: Access the Import Function
Navigate to the Holdings Tank.
Select the Trades tab and click the Import button to open the import pop-up.
From the top menu, select Crypto as the asset type.
Step 2: Select Ownership Type
Held in my name: If the assets are owned by you personally, this is the default option.
Held in other: Use this option for assets held in a trust, company, or SMSF to ensure these trades are excluded from your Tax Summary.
Step 3: Prepare Your CSV File
TaxTank will calculate your current holdings balances and any CGT from the imported trades, so be sure to import your complete history, or from a zero balance at the beginning of a financial year (if applicable). To import trades, you'll need a properly formatted CSV file. You can:
Export all trades from your existing platform and customise the file to meet TaxTank's required fields.
Download the template provided by TaxTank and past your trade history to structure your data correctly.
Required Fields for CSV
Ensure your CSV file includes the following fields in the top row:
Type: buy or sell
Ticker: The symbol representing the cryptocurrency.
Buy Price: The price you paid for the asset (in AUD).
Quantity: The number of units bought or sold.
Fee: Transaction fee paid (in AUD).
Date of Trade: The date the trade occurred (format: DD/MM/YYYY).
Step 4: Import the CSV File
Drag and drop your CSV file into the upload area, or select it manually.
Click Import Bulk to complete the process.
💡Note: Ensure all values, such as Buy Price and Fees, are converted to Australian dollars (AUD). After importing, you can also attach buy statements to individual trades for added documentation.
Troubleshooting Common Errors
Error 1: Invalid CSV Format
Ensure the file is saved as a CSV format.
Verify that all required fields are included and correctly labeled.
Check that the data format matches the template provided by TaxTank.
Error 2: Incorrect Ticker
TaxTank will notify you of any unrecognised tickers.
Review the error message, update the ticker names in your CSV file, and re-import.
Error 3: Swaps
TaxTank can currently calculate buys and sells. Adding functionality to manage swaps is in our development roadmap and coming soon!